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Dickson, M.D., Behringer, D.C., and J.A. Baeza. In review. Population dynamics and reproductive characteristics of the peppermint shrimp Lysmata boggessi, a heavily traded invertebrate in the marine ornamental industry. Submitted to Transactions of the American Fishery Society.

Ross, E.P. and D.C. Behringer. In review. Changes in temperature, pH, and salinity affect the sheltering responses of Caribbean spiny lobsters to chemosensory cues. Submitted to Scientific Reports.

Berkebile, N.P., Behringer, D.C., and J.A. Baeza. In review. Ecology of the Florida Sea Cucumber, Holothuria floridana, in seagrass and hard-bottom communities of the Florida Keys. Submitted to Aquatic Ecology.

Clark, A.C., Behringer, D.C., Small, J.M., and T.B. Waltzek. 2018. Partial Validation of a TaqMan Real-Time Quantitative PCR Assay for the Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 129: 193-198.

Behringer, D.C., Karvonen, A., and J. Bojko. 2018. Parasite avoidance behaviours in aquatic environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 373: 20170202.

Baeza, J.A., Steedman, S., Prakash, S., Liu, X., Bortolini, J.L., Dickson, M., and D.C. Behringer. 2018. Mating system and reproductive performance in the isopod Parabopyrella lata, a parasitic castrator of the 'peppermint' shrimp Lysmata boggessi. Marine Biology 165:41.

Baeza, J.A. and D.C. Behringer. 2017. Integrative taxonomy of the ornamental ‘peppermint’ shrimp public market and population genetics of Lysmata boggessi, the most heavily traded species worldwide. PeerJ 5:e3786; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3786.

Butler IV, M.J., Behringer, D.C., and M.M. Valentine. 2017. Commercial sponge fishery impacts on the population dynamics of sponges in the Florida Keys, FL (USA). Fisheries Research 190: 113-121.

Baeza, J.A. and D.C. Behringer. 2017. Small-scale spatial variation in population- and individual-level reproductive parameters of the blue-legged hermit crab Clibanarius tricolor. PeerJ 5:e3004; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3004.

Truelove, N.K., Kough, A.S., Behringer, D.C., Paris, C.B., Box, S.J., Preziosi, R.F., and M.J. Butler IV. 2017. Biophysical connectivity explains population genetic structure in a highly dispersive marine species. Coral Reefs 36: 233–244.

Behringer, D.C. and J.E. Hart. 2017. Competition with stone crabs drives juvenile spiny lobster abundance and distribution. Oecologia 184: 205-218.

Truelove, N.K., Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., and R.F. Preziosi. 2016. Isolation and characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellites for the spotted spiny lobster, Panulirus guttatus. PeerJ 4:e1467; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1467.

Butler, M.J. IV, Behringer, D.C., Dolan, T.W. III, Moss, J., and J.Shields. 2015. Host behavior suppresses a marine epizootic. PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126374.

Gutzler, B.C., Butler IV, M.J., and D.C. Behringer. 2015. Casitas: a location-dependent ecological trap for juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72: i177-i184.

Spanier, E., Lavalli, K.L., Goldstein, J.S., Groeneveld, J.C., Jordaan, G.L., Jones, C.M., Phillips, B.F., Bianchini, M.L., Kibler, R.D., Díaz, D., Mallol, S., Goñi, R., van der Meeren, G.I., Kleiven, A.R., Agnalt, A., Behringer, D.C., Keegan, W.F., and A. Jeffs. 2015A concise review of lobster utilization by worldwide human populations from pre-history to the modern era. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72: i7-i21.

Kough, A.S., Paris, C.B., Behringer, D.C., and M.J. Butler IV. 2015Modeling the spread and connectivity of waterborne marine pathogens: the case of PaV1 in the Caribbean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72: i139-i146

Truelove, N., Griffiths, S., Phil, M., Ley-Cooper, K., Azueta, J., Majil, I., Box, S., Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., and R.F. Preziosi. 2015Genetic evidence from the spiny lobster fishery supports international cooperation among Central American marine protected areasConservation Genetics 16: 347-358.

Baeza, J.A., Dickson, M.D., Squibb, R., Anderson, J.R., and D.C. Behringer2014Aspects of the reproductive biology of a heavily traded ornamental shrimp, Lysmata boggessi (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea), in the southeastern Gulf of MexicoJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 94: 141-149.

Moss, J., D.C. Behringer, Shields, J.D., Baeza, J.A., Aguilar-Perera, A., Bush, P.G., Dromer, C., Herrera-Moreno, A., Gittens, L., Matthews, T.R., McCord, M.R., Schärer, M.T., Reynal, L., Truelove, N, Butler IV, M.J. 2013Distribution, prevalence, and genetic analysis of Panulirus argus Virus I from the Caribbean Sea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 104: 129-140.

Anderson, J.R. and D.C. Behringer2013Spatial dynamics in the social lobster Panulirus argus in response to diseased conspecifics. Marine Ecology Progress Series 474: 191-200.

Anderson, J.R., Spadaro, A.J., Baeza, J.A., and D.C. Behringer2013Ontogenetic resource allocation shifts in defensive structures of the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108: 87-98.

Baeza, J.A., Anderson, J.R., Spadaro, A.J., and D.C. Behringer2012Sexual dimorphism, allometry, and size at first maturity of the Caribbean King Crab, Mithrax spinosissimus, in the Florida Keys. Journal of Shellfish Research 31: 909-916.

Stentiford, G.D., Neil, D.M., Peeler, E., Shields, J.D., Small, H.J., Flegel, T.W., Vlak, J., Jones, B., Morado, F., Moss, S., Lotz, J., Bartholomay, L., Reantaso, M., Behringer, D.C., Hauton, C., and D.V. Lightner. 2012Disease will limit future food supply from the global crustacean fishery and aquaculture sectors. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 110: 141-157.

Barbour, A.B., Adams, A.J., Yess, T., Behringer, D.C., and R.K. Wolfe. 2012. Comparison and cost-benefit analysis of PIT tag antennae resighting and seine-net recapture techniques for survival analysis of an estuarine-dependent fish. Fisheries Research 121-122: 153-160.

Behringer, D.C. 2012Diseases of wild and cultured juvenile crustaceans: insights from below the minimum landing size. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 110: 225- 233.

Moss, J., Butler, M.J. IV, Behringer, D.C., and J.D. Shields. 2012Genetic diversity of the Caribbean spiny lobster virus, Panulirus argus virus 1, and the discovery of PaV1 in lobster post-larvaeAquatic Biology 14: 223-232.

Behringer, D.C., Butler, M.J. IV, Shields, J.D., and J. Moss. 2012PaV1 infection in the Florida Spiny Lobster Fishery and its Effects on Trap Function and Disease TransmissionCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 136-144.

Behringer, D.C., Butler, M.J. IV, Shields, J.D., and J. Moss. 2011Review of Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1) – a decade after its discoveryDiseases of Aquatic Organisms 94: 153-160.

Behringer, D.C. and M.J. Butler IV. 2010Disease avoidance influences shelter use and predation in Caribbean spiny lobsterBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 747-756.

Kiryu, Y., Behringer, D.C., Landsberg, J.H., and D.B. Petty. 2009Microsporidiosis in the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus from southeast Florida, USADiseases of Aquatic Organisms 84: 237-242.

Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., Herrnkind, W.F., Hunt, J.H., Acosta, C.A., and W.C. Sharp. 2009Is seagrass an important nursery habitat for the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, in FloridaNew Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43: 327-337.

Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., and J.D. Shields. 2008Ecological and physiological effects of PaV1 Infection on the Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus Latreille)Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 359: 26-33.

Butler, M.J., Behringer, D.C., and J.D. Shields. 2008Transmission of Panulirus argus virus1 (PaV1) and its effect on the survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsterDisease of Aquatic Organisms 79: 173-182.

Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., and J.D. Shields. 2006Ecology: Avoidance of disease in social lobstersNature 441: 421.

Behringer, D.C. and M.J. Butler IV. 2006Stable isotope analysis of production and trophic relationships in a tropical marine hard-bottom communityOecologia 148: 334-341.

Behringer, D.C. and M.J. Butler IV. 2006Density-dependent population dynamics in juvenile Panulirus argus (Latrielle): the impact of artificial enhancementJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 334: 84-95.

Shields, J.D. and D.C. Behringer2004A new pathogenic virus in the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus from the Florida KeysDiseases of Aquatic Organisms 59: 109-118.


Barbour, A.B., Adams, A, and D.C. Behringer2011. PIT tag antennae arrays as fishery monitoring tools in tropical environments. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 63: 118-124.

Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., and J.D. Shields. 2010. A review of the lethal spiny lobster virus PaV1 – ten years after its discovery. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 62.

Butler IV, M.J., Mojica, A., Sosa-Cordero, E., Millet, M., Sanchez-Navarro, P., Maldonado, M., Posada, J., Rodriquez, B., Rivas, C.M., Oviedo, A., Arrone, M., Prada, M., Bach, N., Jimenez, N., Garcia-Rivas, M., Forman, K., Behringer, D.C., Matthews, T., Paris, C. and R. Cowen. 2009. Patterns of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Postlarval Recruitment in the Caribbean: a CRTR Project. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 62.

Butler IV, M.J., Behringer, D.C. and J.D. Shields. 2007. Resource conditions: lobster disease and sponge fishery impacts. Pp. 139-142 in: Keller, B.D., and F.C. Wilmot, eds. Connectivity: science, people and policy in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Colloquium proceedings, 19-21 August 2004, Key West, FL. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series NMSP-07. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Sanctuary Program, Silver Spring, MD. 272 pp.


Behringer, D.C., Silliman, B.R., and K.D. Lafferty (eds). Proposal accepted – in preparation. Marine Disease Ecology. Oxford University Press.


Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J., and J.D. Shields.    2012. Juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters are plagued by the lethal viral pathogen PaV1. In: Tropical Connections: South Florida’s Marine Environment. W.L. Kruczynski, editor.


Behringer, D.C. and R.A. Swett. 2015. Are Mooring Buoys Effective for Managing Vessel Anchoring and Coral Reef Impacts in South Florida? Project 11419 for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida. 44 pp.

Behringer, D.C. and J.A. Baeza. 2014. Advancing Toward a Stock Status Evaluation for Key Species in the Florida Marine Life Fishery. Project 113203 for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida.

Behringer, D.C. and J.A. Baeza. 2013. Life history studies on two emblematic ornamental crustaceans from the Florida Keys, the blue-legged hermit crab Clibanarius tricolor and peppermint shrimp of the genus Lysmata. Project 10323 for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida. 31 pp.

Behringer, D.C. and J.A. Baeza. 2012. Life history studies on two emblematic ornamental crustaceans from the Florida Keys, the blue-legged hermit crab Clibanarius tricolor and peppermint shrimp of the genus Lysmata. Project 10323 for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, St. Petersburg, Florida. 35 pp.

Behringer, D.C., Swett R.A., and T.K. Frazer. 2011. Determining coral reef impacts associated with boat anchoring and user activity in southeast Florida. Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Coral Reef Conservation Program, Miami Beach, FL. Pp 66.

Behringer, D.C., Swett R.A., and T.K. Frazer. 2011. Determining coral reef impacts associated with boat anchoring and user activity in southeast Florida. Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Coral Reef Conservation Program, Miami Beach, FL. Pp 66.

Behringer, D.C., Swett R.A., and T.K. Frazer. 2011. Determining coral reef impacts associated with boat anchoring and user activity in southeast Florida. Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Coral Reef Conservation Program, Miami Beach, FL. Pp 66.

Behringer, D.C. and R.A. Swett. 2011. Determining vessel use patterns in the southeast Florida region. Final report to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Miami Beach, FL. Pp 88.

Jacoby, C.A., Frazer, T.K., Saindon, D.D., Keller, S.R., and D.C. Behringer2008. Water Quality Characteristics of the Nearshore Gulf Coast Waters Adjacent to Pasco County: Project COAST 2000 - 2007. Annual Report. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, Florida. 51 pp.

Jacoby, C.A., Frazer, T.K., Saindon, D.D., Keller, S.R., and D.C. Behringer2008. Water Quality Characteristics of the Nearshore Gulf Coast Waters Adjacent to Citrus, Hernando and Levy Counties: Project COAST 1997 - 2007. Annual Report. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, Florida. 62 pp.

Frazer, T.K., Jacoby, C.A., Saindon, D.D., Keller, S.R., and D.C. Behringer2007. Water Quality Characteristics of the Nearshore Gulf Coast Waters Adjacent to Pasco County: Project COAST 2000 - 2006. Annual Report. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, Florida. 47 pp.

Frazer, T.K., Jacoby, C.A., Saindon, D.D., Keller, S.R., and D.C. Behringer2007. Water Quality Characteristics of the Nearshore Gulf Coast Waters Adjacent to Citrus, Hernando and Levy Counties: Project COAST 1997 - 2006.Annual Report. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, Florida. 58 pp.

Shields, J.D., Behringer, D.C., and M.J. Butler IV. 2005. Pathology of a pathogenic virus in the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Journal of Shellfish Research 24: 675.

Butler IV, M.J., Behringer, D.C., and J.D. Shields. 2005. A Pathogenic Viral Disease Infecting Juvenile Spiny Lobster in the Florida Keys. P.171 in 2005 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference. Abstract.

Butler, M.J., Behringer, D.C., and A.K. Kauffman. 2005. Hard-bottom community ecology in the Florida Keys with an emphasis on sponges. P.162 in 2005 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference. Abstract.

Behringer, D.C., Butler IV, M.J. and J.D. Shields. 2003. The Pathological and ecological effects of a herpes-like virus in the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, from Florida. P. 215 in Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem. Abstract.

Behringer, D.C., and M.J. Butler IV. 1999. Trophic structure in a tropical hard-bottom community: a stable isotope analysis. P.62 in 1999 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Ecosystems Science Conference. Abstract.


The Lobster Newsletter – a publication of the general lobster research community and published electronically.
Topic - A summary of the special session ‘Diseases & Parasites’ from the 11th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management in Portland, Maine June 4 – 9, 2017 (2017)
Topic - A call to all lobster pathophiles! This was an article reaching out to other lobster scientists for collaborations on pathogen screening of lobster species from across the globe. (2016)
Topic – A summary of the special session and workshop on disease from the 10th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management in Cancun, Mexico May 18 – 23, 2014 (2015)
Topic – A summary of the special session and workshop on disease from the 9th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management in Bergen, Norway June 20 – 24, 2011 (2012)
Topic – The first viral disease reported in lobster (2001)

Water Works – a University of Florida Cooperative Extension/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences publication highlighting aquaculture and pond management programs at the University of Florida.
Topic – Are mooring buoys worth their salt? (2012)
Topic – Lobster Research (2007)

LAKEWATCH – a publication dedicated to sharing information about water management and the Florida LAKEWATCH Program.
Topic – Algal Blooms in Florida Bay Test the Mettle of Spiny Lobsters (Spring 2009)